Consumption Behavior on Colorectal Cancer Incidence in Indonesia (RISKESDAS 2013)

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Adhila Fayasari


Introduction: The increasing prevalence of colorectal cancer in Indonesia can be influenced by several factors, including food consumption pattern, obesity and physical activity. High consumption patterns of spices, fat, processing foods and low in dietary fiber, would increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relationship of consumption patterns and other major risk factors to the prevalence of colorectal cancer in Indonesia based on data obtained from Riskesdas 2013.

Methods: Data were secondary data Riskesdas 2013 from the Center for Health Research and Development with the design case control study. There were 90 subject with colorectal cancer in the case group and 90 subjects in control group. selected at random. Characteristic data such as age, gender, nutritional status, waist circumference and physical activity were analyzed by univariate method. The association of risk factors from characteristic data and consumption pattern to colorectal cancer was analyzed by bivariate analysis and risk factor determination using multivariate analysis.

Results: Factors that are significantly related to the incidence of colorectal cancer are grilled food (p 0.032), spices and seasoning (p 0.009) and coffee beverages (p 0.033).

Conclusion: Multivariate analysis showed that those with correlation with colorectal cancer were age, physical activity, waist circumference, and spices and seasoning.

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