Relationship Between Mother's Anxiety Level and Children's Coronavirus (Covid-19) Vaccination Status School Age in Public Elementary School Cipageran Mandiri 2

Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan Ibu dengan Status Vaksinasi Virus Corona (Covid-19) Anak Usia Sekolah di SDN Cipageran Mandiri 2

Keywords: anxiety, school age, vaccination covid-19


Background: Anxiety is the psychological state of a person who is worried and afraid of something that has not happened yet and is a sign that helps the individual to prepare to take action in the face of a threat. The level of anxiety in mothers can affect vaccination status and contribute to the uneven distribution of children getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine target for older children's schools is 26.5 million, and the current COVID-19 vaccine achievement rate for school-age children is 15 million (56.6%) with complete vaccination status. This shows that 11.5 million children (43%) are still not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. One of the causes is maternal anxiety about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Objectives: This study was to identify the relationship between anxiety levels Mothers with COVID-19 vaccination status for school-age children at Public Elementary School Cipageran Mandiri 2.

Methods: analytical survey research methodology with cross sectional design, research sample a total of 237 respondents with simple stratified random sampling. Data collection techniques use questionnaires in the form of google forms. Data analysis with chi-square test statistical application.

Results: The results showed that 65% of mothers did not experience anxiety about Covid-19 vaccination. The covid-19 vaccination status was obtained, and most had a complete covid-19 vaccination status of 73%. The results of statistical analysis showed that there was a relationship between the level of maternal anxiety and the status of Covid-19 vaccination in school-age children at Public Elementary School Cipageran Mandiri 2 with a value of p = 0.000.

Conclusion: COVID-19 vaccination status in children is related to maternal anxiety in responding to the importance or absence of the COVID-19 vaccine. This is because 27% of children still have not been vaccinated, where vaccination is mandatory to reduce COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.
